21st Workshop on Multiword Expressions (MWE 2025)

Colocated with: NAACL-2025, Albuquerque, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Date of the Workshop: May 4, 2025

Organised and sponsored by:
The Special Interest Group on the Lexicon (SIGLEX) of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), SIGLEX’s Multiword Expressions Section (SIGLEX-MWE).


Contents on this page

Proceedings and video recording




Keynote speakers



To attend the workshop (either in person or virtually), please register through NAACL 2025’s registration system. Note that to attend MWE 2025, it is sufficient to select this workshop during registration; you do not have to register for the main conference.


Multiword expressions (MWEs), i.e., word combinations that exhibit lexical, syntactic, semantic, pragmatic, and/or statistical idiosyncrasies (Baldwin and Kim, 2010), such as “by and large”, “hot dog”, “make a decision” and “break one’s leg” are still a pain in the neck for Natural Language Processing (NLP). The notion encompasses closely related phenomena: idioms, compounds, light-verb constructions, phrasal verbs, rhetorical figures, collocations, institutionalized phrases, etc. Given their irregular nature, MWEs often pose complex problems in linguistic modeling (e.g. annotation), NLP tasks (e.g. parsing), and end-user applications (e.g. natural language understanding and Machine Translation), hence still representing an open issue for computational linguistics (Constant et al., 2017).

For more than two decades, modelling and processing MWEs for NLP has been the topic of the MWE workshop organised by the MWE section of SIGLEX in conjunction with major NLP conferences since 2003. Impressive progress has been made in the field, but our understanding of MWEs still requires much research considering their need and usefulness in NLP applications. This is also relevant to domain-specific NLP pipelines that need to tackle terminologies most often realised as MWEs. Following previous years, for this 21st edition of the workshop, we identified the following topics on which contributions are particularly encouraged:

Through this workshop, we will bring together and encourage researchers in various NLP subfields to submit their MWE-related research . We also intend to consolidate the converging results of previous joint workshops LAW-MWE-CxG 2018, MWE-WN 2019 and MWE-LEX 2020, the joint MWE-WOAH panel in 2021, the MWE-SIGUL 2022 joint session, and the MWE-UD 2024, extending our scope to MWEs in e-lexicons and WordNets, MWE annotation, as well as grammatical constructions. Correspondingly, we call for papers on research related (but not limited) to MWEs and constructions in:

Submission Formats

The workshop invites two types of submissions:

Paper Submission and Templates

Papers should be submitted via the OpenReview submission page. Please choose the appropriate submission format (archival/non-archival). Archival papers with existing reviews will also be accepted through the ACL Rolling Review. Submissions must follow the ACL stylesheet. For further information on this initiative, please refer to NAACL 2025

Best Paper Award


Important Dates

What When
Paper submission deadline February 13, 2025
ARR commitment deadline February 20, 2025
Notification of acceptance March 8, 2025
Camera-ready papers due March 17, 2025
Underline upload deadline April 8, 2025
Workshop May 04, 2025

All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12 (Anywhere on Earth).

Organizing Committee (Listed alphabetically)

A. Seza Dogruöz Ghent University, Belgium
Alexandre Rademaker IBM Research, Brazil
Atul Kr. Ojha Insight Research Ireland Centre for Data Analytics, University of Galway
Gražina Korvel VU Institute of Data Science and Digital Technologies
Mathieu Constant Université de Lorraine
Verginica Barbu Mititelu Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Voula Giouli Institute for Language & Speech Processing, ATHENA RC, Greece

Program Committee (to be updated)

Verginica Barbu Mititelu Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Cherifa Ben Kehlil University of Tours
Philippe Blache Aix-Marseille Uni
Francis Bond Palacký University
Claire Bonial U.S. Army Research Laboratory
Julia Bonn University of Colorado Boulder
Tiberiu Boroș Adobe
Marie Candito Université Paris Cité
Giuseppe G. A. Celano Leipzig Uni
Kenneth Church Baidu
Çağrı Çöltekin University of Tübingen
Mathieu Constant Université de Lorraine
Monika Czerepowicka University of Warmia and Mazury
Daniel Dakota Indiana University
Miryam de Lhoneux KU Leuven
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe UC Louvain
Valeria de Paiva Nuance
Gaël Dias University of Caen Basse-Normandie
Kaja Dobrovoljc University of Ljubljana
Rafael Ehren Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Gülşen Eryiğit Istanbul Technical University
Meghdad Farahmand Berlin, Germany
Christiane Fellbaum Princeton University
Jennifer Foster Dublin City University
Aggeliki Fotopoulou Institute for Language and Speech Processing, ATHENA RC
Stefan Th. Gries UC Santa Barbara & JLU Giessen
Bruno Guillaume Université de Lorraine
Tunga Gungor Bogaziçi University
Eleonora Guzzi Universidade da Coruña
Laura Kallmeyer Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf
Cvetana Krstev University of Belgrade
Timm Lichte University of Tübingen
Irina Lobzhanidze Ilia State University
Teresa Lynn ADAPT Centre
Stella Markantonatou Institute for Language & Speech Processing, ATHENA RC
John P. McCrae National University of Ireland, Galway
Nurit Melnik The Open University of Israel
Johanna Monti “L’Orientale” University of Naples
Dmitry Nikolaev University of Manchester
Jan Odijk University of Utrecht
Petya Osenova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Yannick Parmentier University of Lorraine
Agnieszka Patejuk University of Oxford and Institute of Computer Science, Polish Academy of Sciences
Pavel Pecina Charles University
Ted Pedersen University of Minnesota
Prokopis Prokopidis Institute for Language and Speech Processing, ATHENA RC
Manfred Sailer Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
Tanja Samardžić University of Zurich
Agata Savary Université Paris-Saclay
Nathan Schneider Georgetown University
Sabine Schulte im Walde University of Stuttgart
Sebastian Schuster Saarland University
Matthew Shardlow University of Manchester
Joaquim Silva Universidade NOVA de Lisboa
Maria Simi Università di Pisa
Ranka Stanković University of Belgrade
Ivelina Stoyanova Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Stan Szpakowicz University of Ottawa
Shiva Taslimipoor University of Cambridge
Beata Trawinski Leibniz Institute for the German Language
Ashwini Vaidya Indian Institute of Technology
Marion Di Marco Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich
Amir Zeldes Georgetown University
Daniel Zeman Charles University

Sponsors and Support


Anti-harassment Policy

The workshop follows the ACL anti-harassment policy.


For any inquiries regarding the workshop, please send an email to the Organizing Committee at mwe2025workshop@gmail.com.

Please register to SIGLEX and check the “MWE Section” box to be registered to our mailing list.